IT Freelance Workers

Jl. Majapahit 28

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Tentang Kami

IT Freelance Workers there a type of business at he start of some people who are master in their field, ranging from Network LAN, WAN Network, makin a Website, making a customize software based on company needs and maintenance computer device

IT Freelance Workers started up since 1998 and has only one client and currently has several clients who engaged in several types of business such as educational, distribution company, and travel agent.

Produk & Layanan

IT Freelance Workers begin offering some services areas of

  1. LAN Network consulting services
  2. WAN Network consulting services
  3. Development Services/Builing a Website
  4. Hosting Services
  5. Software Development that are customize based on the company need


IT Freelance Workers are specialize in Networking, Web Development, and Customize Software

  • Phone: 62 3274 4441