Koran Berani

Kedoya Center blok C10-11

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Koran Anak BERANI telah dipercaya sebagai perusahaan media dengan expertise di bidang anak. Melalui penyajian berita lewat media cetak dan online, BERANI mengerti tingkat kognitif dan minat anak. Hubungan kami dengan stakeholders pendidikan lainnya juga membuat kami mengerti faktor eksternal yang berpengaruh pada industri anak - anak seperti kegiatan di sekolah dan tren pada orang tua.

Program dan aktivitas dirancang agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan anak. BERANI selalu kembali kepada visi dan misi perusahaan untuk mencerdaskan anak bangsa. Oleh karenanya, semua kegiatan mengandung unsur edukasi, fun, dan sustainability.

Throughout the years, BERANI has been trusted as an enterprise with expertise in children. Our news, both on print and online, has exposed us to children’s cognitive level and specific interests. BERANI’s strong rapport with other stakeholders in the education system has also allowed us to understand external factors that impact children’s industry, such as school activities and parents’ trends.

All programs are designed such that they answer to children’s needs. True to our core values and mission to enhance the intellectual capacity of Indonesia’s children, BERANI has consistenly delivered activities that are educational, fun, and sustainable.

BERANI Weekly Newspaper
BERANI Online - www.berani.id
BERANI Academy

School Relations
Brand Activation
Event Organizer (MICE)
Government Relations
Social Media Management.
Tahun Pendirian: 2006
Pegawai: 51-100