PT. Djoedjoer Oetama

Kampung Rawa Rokok, Jl. Dalang I Bojong Rawa Lumbu

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PT. Djoedjoer Oetama is the Holding Company for DJOEDJOER GROUP, was established under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia, having registered address at Kampung Rawa Rokok, Jl. Dalang I No.198 Bojong Rawa Lumbu postal code 17116 Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, phone number +62-21-36124619, +62-81389220176, and one of our business in doing on the supplies for garlic, nutmeg, pepper, corriander. We as the importer in Indonesia and have affiliate as the networking company in the China People Republic as the exporter, and we doing business and grow up together like the family. The other affiliates company is Djoedjoer Limited as the Ghanaian Company, West Africa, and having registered office at 3rd floor, Teacher Hall Complex Education Loop PO BOX BP.1632 Accra the Republic of Ghana.


PT. Djeodjoer Oetama has owned by:

1. Mrs. Sri Hartati Suryowidagdo who occupied 60% of shares and also acting as the Commissioner of PT. Djoedjoer Oetama

2. Mrs. Fauziah Sahib who occupied 40% of shares and also acting as the President Commissioner of PT. Djoedjoer Oetama.

3. Miss. Megasari Suryowidagdo acting as the Director of PT. Djoedjoer Oetama.


For manage our account, we have appointed the bankers as follows:

1. PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, having address on Ruko Kawu Jaya #1-2, Jl. Pramuka Raya, Pengasinan postal code 17115, Rawa Lumbu Kota Bekasi Jawa Barat Indonesia.

2. Standard Chartered Bank Ghana, having address OPEIBEA HOUSE Ring Road West PO BOX 729 Accra the Republic of Ghana West Africa

3. Banque Togolaise Pour De Le Commerce Et L'Industries, having address 169 Boulevard Du 13 Janvier BP 363 Lome the Republic of Togo, West Africa.


1. International Organization in West Africa, called Economy Community of West African States, Regional Office Lome the Republic of Togo West Africa

2. International Organization in West Africa, called Niger Delta Development Commission, Nigeria, West Africa


Mr. Setiono Winardi, phone +62-81389220176, email :

Produk & Layanan


  • Phone: 6221 3612 4619