Anomali Coffee

Setiabudi One, Lantai 1, Jl. Hr Rasuna Said Kav 62, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12920
Karet, Setiabudi (Setia Budi), Jakarta Selatan

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Tentang Kami

Established in 2007, Anomali Coffee is a coffee roaster company providing coffee with specialty standards from all over Indonesia. “Specialty” is the designation that ensures consistent premium quality of the coffee in your cup. Since then, Anomali Coffee has established itself as a prominent coffee producer specializing in freshly roasted coffee with the highest standard with the help of all key players in this journey from plantation to cup. Our coffee is destined for coffee connoisseurs and also for the Ho.Re.Ca. (Hotel, Restaurant and Café) sector, household and office consumption.
  • Telepon: +62 21 5229228
  • Twitter: @anomalicoffee