CV. Bandung Mediapromo
Jl. Karang Arum 14 No. 197 Bandung
Apakah ini bisnis Anda?
Klaim bisnis Anda untuk segera memperbaharui informasi bisnis, membuat promosi, dan lain-lain.
Tentang Kami
We provide Digital Advertising for Railway Information Display (DA4RID) and Digital Advertising for Flight Information Display (DA4FID) in Jakarta Kota Stastion, Gambir Station, Bogor Station, Pondok Indah Mall, and much more (still in early stages of construction and development)
Produk & Layanan
Product :
- Digital Advertising for Railway Information Display (DA4RID)
- Digital Advertising for Flight Information Display (DA4FID)
- Outdoor Advertising
- Indoor Advertising
- Printing for promotion material
- Hotel Slippers (Sarumba Slippers)
- Supplier for Power Bank
- Washy Washy Laundry (Franchise of Laundry)
Product :
- Digital Advertising for Railway Information Display (DA4RID)
- Digital Advertising for Flight Information Display (DA4FID)
- Outdoor Advertising
- Indoor Advertising
- Printing for promotion material
- Hotel Slippers (Sarumba Slippers)
- Supplier for Power Bank
- Washy Washy Laundry (Franchise of Laundry)
- Digital Advertising for Railway Information Display (DA4RID)
- Digital Advertising for Flight Information Display (DA4FID)
- Telepon: 22 7608 0588
- Fax: 227811035