Keisha Florist

Jl.Medan Km.4,5 Sp.Kerang Kel.Sumber Jaya I - Kec.Siantar Martoba P.Siantar 21138

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Tentang Kami

Keisha Florist Online Florist Florist is most popular in Indonesia. Keisha Florist Florist has the widest network in the entire archipelago to 130 Cities and supported more than 20 Online Florist in Indonesia. Keisha Florist Serving Florist flower delivery is currently up to over archipelago is difficult to reach though. Armed with the experience so far Florist Florist Keisha try to keep customer satisfaction with circuits best interest as well as professional services with 24 hours online and always keeping customer satisfaction.

Produk & Layanan

· Boards Flower

· Circuits Flower

· Standing Flower

· Parcel

· Krans Duka

· Bunga Salib

· Hand Bouquet

· Decoration
