Party 4US

Clarissa Florist Bl B-2/59Lt 5, Jalan Komplek Taman Aries, 11620
Meruya Utara (Ilir), Kembangan, Jakarta Barat

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Tentang Kami

PARTY-4US A TRUE PARTY SUPERSTORES - With our established names, 6 consecutive years of record profits, and a formula that edges out the competitor, we are Party-4us.

Our business has grown the last six years in a row, with record sales and profits. With our recent over 50 different form of outlets; we’ve expended ourselves across Indonesia.

We are estimating sales to increase in 2009 by more than 30%. To open another 20 outlets with a great new line to reach a different market segment.

Produk & Layanan


  • Telepon: 6669 1255
  • Fax: 66691249