Jl. Manyar 1 No.74 Kp.Menceng Tegal Alur Jakarta 11820
Tegal Alur, Kalideres, Jakarta Barat
Tegal Alur, Kalideres, Jakarta Barat
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Tentang Kami
PD. Delico is one of the best PVC tube manufacturing company in Indonesia. We provide high quality and high precision PVC tube for the automotive, electrical appliances and also computer industries.
Our company's spirit and direction are teamwork, initiative, commitment and continuous improvement, advanced operation technology. We commit to satisfying customer's continued growth and focus on creating prosperity for organization, staff and business partners in the basic of success.
Produk & Layanan
Manufacturing PVC Tube
Manufacturing PVC Tube
- Telepon: 215551036
- Fax: 215551313