PT. Anugerah Rezqina Semesta

Jl. Walang Baru VI No. 10, Tugu Utara, Koja, Jakarta Utara, Indonesia 14260
Tugu Selatan, Koja, Jakarta Utara

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Tentang Kami

PT. Anugerah Rezqina Semesta is a privately owned shipping company located in Jakarta, a subsidiary of PT. PAB which has established since 1975, provides a comprehensive range of services for the shipping business.

PT. Anugerah Rezqina Semesta owns and operates :

* Landing Crafts Transport ( LCT)
* Bulk Carrier
* Tugboats and Barge
* Bunker Services and Oil Barge
* Crew boats, Utility vessels, AHTS, and Supply Vessels
* We also providing extensive port services and facilities at Tanjung Priok Port covering various aspect of shipping services, project logistics and consolidation.

We strive to build long term personal relationships with our valued clients, foundered on a deep understanding of your needs and wants. Our focus is on achieving customer satisfaction through providing premium services at competitive rates.

Our Experienced and enthusiastic team is constantly willing to help our clients get the most out of their shipping business.