PT. DQS Certification Indonesia

Aldevco Octagon No. 752nd FL / suite 201, Jalan Warung Buncit Raya (Warung Jati Barat), 12740
Kalibata, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan

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Tentang Kami

The DQS-UL Group is one of the leading certification bodies for management systems worldwide. Under the strategic leadership of DQS Holding based in Frankfurt, Germany, all companies of the DQS-UL group strive for one common goal: to improve our customers' management systems by offering value-adding assessment services.

The group has built a global presence with more than 70 offices in 50 countries. We employ more than 2,800 people, including 2,300 auditors.

Produk & Layanan


  • Telepon: 0 2179 8366 7|02 1798 3709
  • Fax: 0217941183