Warong Shanghai Blue 1920

Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 79, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia 10340
Kebon Sirih, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat

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Tentang Kami

Some time after the era of Chan Mo Sang and Siti Zaenab, the warong was closed down. The beneficiary of the warong saved all the building elements and all the contents of Chan Mo Sang and Siti Zaenab's original Shanghai Tea House, and stored it in a warehouse in Jakarta 's old town. Fate brought these to the owner of Tugu Hotels Group, who brought back to life the original Shanghai Tea House at Hotel Tugu Malang and the other half in Central Jakarta now – called the Warong Shanghai Blue 1920.

Chan Mo Sang and Siti Zaenab in Soenda Kelapa may no longer be there, however Warong Shanghai Blue 1920 has fully come back to life, where drinks will always be plenty, where delicious homecooking, great times, and life will be celebrated to the fullest.
  • Telepon: +62 21 3918690