Bogor Baru Blok DIII/14
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Tentang Kami
ZonaKata is especially designed for toddlers, moms and tutors to learn linguistic in a more fun and bright way. Bilingual communication is the target of the program with Bahasa Indonesia as the main languange to READ and WRITE, and English as the second language for daily conversation. With 10 years R&D, ZonaKata are well equipped with tools, method and human resources. Headquartered in Bogor Baru DIII/14, ZonaKata pleasurely welcome you to visit us and join one of our programs.
Produk & Layanan
Linguistic Programs for Toddlers, Moms n Tutors
Linguistic Programs for Toddlers, Moms n Tutors
Toddler Linguistic Programs
- Telepon: 6281283860178
- Fax: 2518360702