Cotton Ink Shop

Plaza Indonesia, Lantai 4 Unit 14, Jl. Mh. Thamrin No. 28 - 30, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia 10350
Gondangdia, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat

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Tentang Kami

COTTON INK , founded in November 2008 by 2 designers Carline Darjanto and Ria Sarwono, started as a spontaneous brand that emphasizes in creating casual with a twist garment, made from comfortable cotton. The brand has been featured in many magazines in Indonesia and also is chosen as the favorite brand to show a collection in Jakarta Fashion Week 2010/Cleo Fashion Award. Today, COTTON INK is serving many customers from local and around the world with its new Webstore,, with many products from tops, bottoms, dresses and also its signature shawls