PT. Mediafusion Interactive Communication

Kemang Point, Lantai 1 Unit 103a, Jl. Kemang Raya No. 3, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12730
Bangka, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan

Apakah ini bisnis Anda?

Klaim bisnis Anda untuk segera memperbaharui informasi bisnis, membuat promosi, dan lain-lain.

Tentang Kami

We are an enterprise of young and creative minds. Started out as a group of young minds that shares a common interest in the art of creativity. This group has then evolved and gained precious knowledge and experience to enhance our creative expression.

Marketing & Communication for any company is now tightly integrated and highly interactive. Thanks to the advancement of The Web, the importance of multimedia campaigns is upped. We are now able to do activations, promotions and brandings infused with our own daily activities. Platforms on which we can build our ideas are all there.

Mediafusion Interactive Communication is built upon those grounds. With these set of guidance we make ready our envisioned plans. Our guiding principle is a universal recipe of success:


Challenge us with your needs and make true our words with your business!
  • Telepon: +62217196157
  • Email: